Join us for the NOVA Bahá’í Center Sunday Morning Programs offered weekly every Sunday at 10:30 AM-EST via Zoom. Kindly save the Zoom link below for future use.
“We encourage all participants to turn their cameras on to create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for a meaningful conversation”
“The Power of Positivity”.
Dr. Haideh Sabet: Dr. Sabet is a neurologist practicing in Alexandria, Virginia, and also serves as an Assistant Professor of Neurology at the Georgetown University Medical Center in Washington DC. She and her husband, Dr. Sina Sabet, and their son, Cameron, reside in Fairfax County and are members of the Fairfax East Baha’i community where she serves as a member of the Spiritual Assembly.
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 984 1884 6024
Passcode: 021018
One tap mobile
+13017158592,,98418846024#,,,,,,0#,,021018# US (Germantown)
+13126266799,,98418846024#,,,,,,0#,,021018# US (Chicago)
Please visit the calendar on for a schedule of other public activities.
With our warmest regards,
Northern Virginia Bahá’í Center SMP Task Force