When: October 18, 2020
Topic: “Religion and Technology: The Dialectic of Self and Society”
Speaker: Cameron Sabet
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offered weekly every Sunday at 10:30 AM-EST via Zoom.
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“We encourage all participants to turn their cameras on to create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for a meaningful conversation”
Presenting: “Religion and Technology: The Dialectic of Self and Society”.
Cameron Sabet: Cameron Sabet is a student at Dartmouth College. His principle interests lie in religion, economics, philosophy, and molecular biophysics. He has presented at several conferences on the Faith and gave a TED talk on “The Harmony of Science and Religion: A Baha’i Perspective.” He also recently published a book of poetry inspired by the Baha’i Faith, entitled “The New Truth: An Anthology of Introspective Poetry,” found on Amazon. Here, he features photos of a weather balloon he built and sent tens of thousands of feet into the sky, with images captured 1,000 ft. higher with the turn of each page. He wishes to dedicate his future career to bridging the perceived gap between science and religion in our contemporary society.
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Please visit the calendar on Novabc.org for a schedule of other public activities.
With our warmest regards,
Northern Virginia Bahá’í Center SMP Task Force