Spiritual Mother of South America — NOVA Sunday Morning Program via Zoom at 10:30am

Join us weekly for the NOVA Bahá’í Center “Sunday Morning Program” every Sunday at 10:30 AM-EST via Zoom.  Kindly save the Zoom link for future use.

  All are Welcome!  

We hope to see you each week for friendly and meaningful conversation to elevate our hearts & spirits together. 


    Life of Leonora Armstrong  

Loving Spiritual Mother of the Bahá’ís of South America  

A survey of Leonora Armstrong’s tireless pioneer activities must necessarily span six decades of continual service. Her achievements marked a high tide in human endeavor. Whether in her constant teaching of individuals, her historic travels, the publicity she garnered for the Cause wherever she went, her herculean labor of translating, publishing, and disseminating Baha’i literature both in Portuguese and Spanish, her work in spreading the Message through correspondence, or her eventual material contributions to the community, she stands out eminently distinguished. Through the years she also engaged in social service whenever possible, and became known in the press as the ‘Nurse of the Poor’.

Join Zoom Meeting


Meeting ID: 984 1884 6024
Passcode: 021018

Warmest regards,

Northern Virginia Bahá’í Center SMP Task Force

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Or contact facilitymgr@novabc.org

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