NOVABC Sunday Morning Program via Zoom ~  May 09, 2021 ~ Faith Holmes “The Reality of Man is His Thought”

NOVABC Sunday Morning Program ~  May 09, 2021Join us for the NOVA Bahá’í Center Sunday Morning Programs offered weekly every Sunday at 10:30 AM-EST via Zoom.

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“We encourage all participants to turn their cameras on to create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for a meaningful conversation”

Presenting:  Faith Holmes  “The Reality of Man is His Thought”

(My personal journey out of darkness, an exploration of prayer, meditation and mindfulness)

Faith Holmes has embarked on a journey of exploring the intersection of science and spirituality. Doing a deep dive into the work of Dr. Joe Dispenza, Holmes has always been greatly fascinated by the teaching of the Baha’i Faith around how we create our reality with our thoughts. Upon discovering the works of Dr. Joe Dispenza, Gregg Braden, Trevor Moawad and Bruce Lipton, her life took on a new path, she was finally able to connect a major tenant of the Baha’i Faith, the harmony of science and religion (spirituality) with scientific research. Holmes has been offering lectures and coaching around meditation, mindfulness and living a life of coherence and very specifically looking at how we are creators of our reality and not the victims of our circumstances.

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Passcode: 021018

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With our warmest regards,

Northern Virginia Bahá’í Center SMP Task Force

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