Sue Ballew St. Clair “Distortion of the Human Spirit: How Racism Harms White People”

Join us for the NOVA Bahá’í Center Sunday Morning Programs offered weekly every Sunday at 10:30 AM-EST via Zoom.

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“We encourage all participants to turn their cameras on to create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for a meaningful conversation”

Presenting  Sue Ballew St. Clair “Distortion of the Human Spirit: How Racism Harms White People”.

Sue has been a member of the Baha’i Faith since she was 19 years old and has served in many different capacities, including home front and international pioneering.

She has a Master of Science degree in nursing and in international public health. She is currently partially retired and works part-time as a psychiatric nurse practitioner.

Sue is focused on addressing the most vital and challenging issue (racism) in this country and the importance of centering the roles of people of African descent, the Pupil of the Eye, in the work of the Faith.


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Please visit the calendar on for a schedule of other public activities.

With our warmest regards,

Northern Virginia Bahá’í Center SMP Task Force

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