Join us for the NOVA Bahá’í Center Sunday Morning Programs offered weekly every Sunday at 10:30 AM-EST via Zoom.
Kindly save the Zoom link below for future use.
“We encourage all participants to turn their cameras on to create a friendly and welcoming atmosphere for a meaningful conversation.”
Presenting Learning Series: Sovaida Ma’ani Ewing
10/24/2021: How we can overcome the scourge of nationalism, xenophobia, tribalism and polarization using the Oneness Model
10/31/2021: Do the Ends Justify the Means or should the means be as worthy as the ends?
Sovaida Ma’ani Ewing is an author, speaker, international lawyer, life mastery coach, and founding director of The Center for Peace and Global Governance (, a virtual think tank and an online forum that pools and proposes principled solutions to pressing global challenges. Her latest book, available on Amazon, is “The Alchemy of Peace: 6 Essential Shifts in Mindsets and Habits to Achieve World Peace.” She also hosts a live video podcast “Re-Imagining Our World” on FB and the CPGG YouTube channel –– — that is dedicated to creating a vision of the world we want and infusing hope that we can make the choices necessary to attain it.
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Please visit the calendar on for a schedule of other public activities.
With our warmest regards,
Northern Virginia Bahá’í Center SMP Task Force
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